Let’s Talk

Breaking the Silence

At Sound of Survivors, we believe in having the conversations that no one wants to have, because ignoring difficult topics only perpetuates the suffering of victims. We are committed to creating a safe space where survivors can share their stories and find strength in community for the purpose of education and advocacy. By addressing uncomfortable and often stigmatized issues, we aim to break the silence and empower victims everywhere. Together, we can spark meaningful discussions, offer support, and foster a culture of empathy and understanding.

We stand in solidarity with all victims of violent crime, regardless of whether their stories are included in official records. In the United States, less than half of violent crimes are resolved, and a majority remain unreported. Despite these distressing statistics, the significance of the victims' suffering cannot be diminished. We prioritize the well-being of all survivors, irrespective of legal stipulations, and pledge to uphold your choices with respect.

Let's have the conversations that matter and pave the way for healing and justice.

Speaking Engagements

Lexi Weinbaum is a compelling and influential speaker available to inspire and educate at a diverse range of events online, or in-person depending on availability. With the ability to tailor her presentations to suit the specific needs of her audience, Lexi shares her personal journey, discussing the profound impact of her experiences and offering valuable insights into how various approaches could have made a difference.

Through her powerful storytelling, Lexi motivates and empowers her audience to seek the support and knowledge they deserve, connecting them with essential resources. Her engagements with professionals in law enforcement, mental health, education, and other fields facilitate meaningful discussions on how to better support and assist victims as well as prevent future violent crimes. Lexi's advocacy for systemic change has proven to be a driving force, making her a qualified and influential voice with a substantial impact.

Lexi is a catalyst for change, a passionate advocate, and a source of motivation and inspiration for all who hear her speak.